November 21, 2000 |
Wow! It has been such a long time since I'd modified the web site, so here I am with a ton of updates. :) A lot has happened between August 10th and November 21st :). Well, I'll start with the really important updates: November 2nd, 2000 The big day came around! :) I proposed to Rachel! I had planned out a really nice proposal in front of all of her family and had it set up nicely. :) Well, it didn't go like I'd planned, but still had the effect I was hoping for. :) Well, I'd gone to Salisaw because Rachel's school was having a big senior appreciate service where all of the seniors were honored. Also, we were celebrating our birthdays (Nov 13) since we were unable to share that day together. Well, her mom had done up a very nice birthday party for the both of us. We even had a birthday cake with our pictures on it. (A picture of the cake is in the picture section). I didn't want to propose without her dad being there and he didn't get home from work till late. Then, Rae was getting her hair curled (also in the Pics) and was running late to the school function. So, I drove her to the school and as we pulled into the parking lot, I told her that I had a birthday present for her. ;) She said, "Are you sure we can't do that afterwards because we are running late?" I told her that it wouldn't take too long and I held her hand as I sang a song I'd wrote for this special occasion. Then, I pulled out the ring and paused for a moment. She asked, "Did you have something you wanted to ask me?" :) I asked her to marry me and she quivered out a "Y-es". Then, as I put the ring on her finger, she began to cry. :) She said she didn't want to cry and be all puffy-eyed at the function. Immediately upon entering the school gym, she started introducing her "fiance". :) I love Rachel so much! November 13th, 2000 Elizabeth, my sister, was at my 21st birthday party. I hadn't seen her in such a long time, it was awesome getting to see her again. We also found out about her being pregnant. :) She said she was going to be able to hear the heartbeat in a week or two. It was so great to see her again. Rachel turned 19 this day as well! I can't wait to marry her and eventually have our own little bundle of joy. :) |
August 10, 2000 |
I have decided to marry Rachel. We are in love with each other with a love that has been matched by none other save Jesus' love. We are both crazy about each other and want everyone to know that we are madly in love with each other. Look for an update before the year is over concerning me proposing to the love of my life. I have everything worked out in my mind. It will be enough to wet every lady's eyes and melt their hearts, especially the one it is directed towards. My mom wanted to know how I was planning to propose. I told her she would find out when it happens. She tried to pry it from me, but I would not budge. :) I love Rachel so much, I cannot wait for the day I ask the question and the day that she says "I do". We were meant to be and everything has played itself out wonderfully. God is too good to us! :) |
July 20, 2000 |
I haven't updated this page in a while. Last thursday, I took the truck I'm buying from Dad on a road test. :) I drove it 2.5 hours to Sallisaw to pick up Rachel and then 5 hours straight to Broken Bow. We were going on a canoe trip with my church youth and young marrieds. We ended up getting lost looking for the cabins we were going to be staying in. We turned down the wrong road one time and couldn't find a place to turn around with trees to the left and right and barely enough road for the truck to drive straight. The road started forking and eventually, I had to drive backwards at one of the forks to backtrack out of this maze of horror. I was getting frustrated and Rachel was scared because we were lost and no one was around to offer assistance. She started crying, I had to comfort her.. :) When we finally got to the cabins, it was around midnight and none of the rest of the people were there yet. Finally, at 1:00am, they showed up. One of their cars broke down and they had to find a way to get every one to Broken Bow at the same time (they were caravaning). Friday, we went canoeing. It was a blast! We got stuck on a couple rocks at the beginning, but once we got the hang of things we did alright. :) We went over a water fall without capsizing, however the water from the falls filled up our canoe so much that we were floating underwater. :) LOL :) (Canoes can't sink). :) Everything went great until we got to the last set of rapids.. There was a giant tree that we were trying to avoid, but couldn't because of the force of the current. We hit the tree square on. The current then caused our canoe to capsize. When it was turning over, it knocked Rae in the head. She started to drift with the current and told me, "Tim, I'm feeling light-headed..." I was holding onto the canoe and brought it and myself to where she was and we were able to make it to shore. She was coughing up a lot of water, but wasn't hurt too badly (Thank God!). :) Saturday, we drove five hours to Sallisaw, where we hung around until about ten or so, when I headed home. I got home 10 or 15 after midnight. Other news of the day, Rachel and I have decided to pray together. A couple that prays together stays together. :) I love her so much and she returns the love. God is good. All things work together for the good of them that serve Him. :) |
July 1, 2000 |
Well, I didn't get the opportunity to go to Sallisaw last Friday because the rental place said I had to be 21 to rent a car. We had a church service that Friday, though and I participated in it. I found out about the service after I'd made plans to see Rachel. Those plans fell through. I think that was God's way of telling me to put Him first. Everything else will fall into place if I will put God first in my life. I found out why Dad wasn't wanting to loan me the money for a car. He said he doesn't want me to buy another used car that won't last. He said he wants to try to help me get a nicer car. :) It's kind of a relief to find out that he wasn't just being stingy. :) I love my dad. :) Dad even said that after he finishes up with some of his college schooling (after the 14th), he's thinking about taking a family vacation and going by to either pick up Rachel or to drop me off. :) Woohoo. :) One good thing that has come from not being able to see Rae is that our love for each other continues to grow. All of this struggle is making the time we spend together moments we will cherish. God knows what He is doing. :) Thank you, God, for having your way in my life. Even when it seems things aren't working out, God has something in the works. God is awesome and worthy of my praise. :) |
June 26, 2000 |
We went out looking at different cars today. I didn't find anything that peaked my interest though. Dad found a '72 Ford truck for sale at a reasonable price and we checked it out. It runs great, especially for an older model truck. Dad bought the truck so we would have a back-up in case something happens to our Nissan Sentra or if we need to haul anything. It doesn't smoke or burn oil, however it only get 15 miles/gallon. (From what I gather it isn't too bad considering it has a 390 engine. I don't know cars that much, so I couldn't give my own opinion in that area.) It would probably make it to Sallisaw and back, but the gas would kill me. Unless I find a reasonable car between now and Friday, I'll have to rent one. :) I've got to see Rachel though. :) She's an awesome girl with an excellent personality. A week between meetings is too long. :) |
June 20, 2000 |
I met Rachel's dad and talked with her mom and dad before they went to a funeral in Fayetville. Rachel and I went to Central Mall in Ft. Smith, AR. I had fun hanging out with Rae there and found some good bargains. She bought a nice yellow skirt and a red shirt to match the rosy shoes I'd bought her. Then, we went to the park and walked in the rain for a while. After that, we met up with her mom and sisters at El Lorita's mexican restaurant. Finally, we made it back to her house and had a blast taking pictures. On my way home, my car gave up the ghost and I had to get dad to drive two hours to pick me up. In the meantime, Rae and her mom and Erin, her sister, came by because I was not able to get ahold of him until around 1:00. Thanks, everyone, for your consideration. I really appreciate it. I was so flustered. I ended up not getting home till approximately 5:30 in the morning, slept an hour, took a shower, and went to work on one hour sleep. I am typing this right now, on that sleep. :) I don't want to lay down because if I do, I may not get back up, and I'd like to talk to Rae again. Well, have fun and God bless. He's blessing me in he midst of trouble. |
June 17, 2000 |
I met the most amazing girl at Senior/College and Career Camp. Her name is Rachel Holt. She is 18, attractive, smart, funny, great conversationalist, and most importantly: loves God. My heart lept as I watched her dance "under the influence" of the Holy Ghost. She is everything I've ever looked for in a woman. I just pray that it is God's will and not just time and chance. It is hard to think it isn't meant to be though. Her birthday is November 13th (as is mine). There are many parallels in our lives and families. We seem to think the same things too often to be coincidence. I can't stop thinking about her. She lives 2.5 hours from where I live, though. The time we will spend together will be time I will cherish. On another note, Senior/College and Career Camp was unbelievable. It was by far, the best camp I have ever gone to in my entire life. People were being filled with the Holy Ghost left and right. Faith was being uplifted and God was talking to our hearts in magnificent ways. There was one little boy (he is 17, but no more than 4 feet tall) that I'd met a while back at camp. I had a burden for him the first time I saw him. He has a health condition and at that time was fed through a device attached to his belly. Doctors told his parents, he wouldn't live to be 7 or 8. He is 17 at this moment in time, alive and kicking. He was praying for the Holy Ghost and I felt God tell me that when He filled Jeff with the Holy Ghost, I would dance. (I'd never danced before in my entire walk with God.) God filled Jeff with the Holy Ghost and I danced. I almost swell with tears typing this today. God is awesome and worthy to be praised. |
May 27, 2000 |
I talked to Melissa, the Operations Manager at Office Depot, about going full-time after camp. She said there shouldn't be any problem about going full-time. I am also going through the GOALS program, which I can become an hourly manager through. When I came home after work, dad told me that the Computer Technology teacher at the Mid-Del Technology Center is moving to another school and they have mentioned me taking over the class. I don't know what to do. I love working at Office Depot and have good potential for advancement if I stick with it. The teaching job would be paying 13-15 bucks an hour though. I haven't given my resume to them yet. I really don't know what I am going to do. |